Thank you for your work with plants. This spring I wildcrafted Poplar Buds to make an oil infusion for treatment of extreme pain from an arthritic knee. I combined it with a previously infused St John’s Wort oil. The combination of the two oils gives me complete relief within 20 minutes. I infuse the plants In organic olive oil. Poplar buds are also known to be highly antimicrobial. Plant medicine is extremely powerful. Thank you for all you do to educate us. I highly recommend your book to fellow readers.

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Thanks so much for sharing this! Oil infusions are the best. You may be interested in this paper in which we investigated traditional oleolite preparations of St. John's Wort compared to other extraction methods. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2017.01639/full

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Fascinating study!

I made my St John’s Wort oil in the traditional way also. I harvested the flowers and buds from the plants in my garden, filled pint jars up a little more than 3/4 full with the plant material and topped it off with olive oil. I placed the jars on a sunny windowsill for six weeks, shaking the jars vigorously (50 shakes) twice daily. I decanted through fine linen cloth (remnants leftover from a sewing project) and stored the pint jars in a cool dark cupboard. The beautiful jewel red color and distinctive plant fragrance of the oil are divine. When combined with the Poplar bud oil it makes a powerful pain relief medicine for topical application. I’ve never noticed any side effects from generous daily use of the oil.

Thanks again for the link to your study. Keep up the good work! It’s so important!

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Fascinating read! Keep up the great work!

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Thanks, Paul!!

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I'm really glad you're doing this.

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Thank you!

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Dear Dr. Quave

Can you give me acces to your publication? for my personal use.


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