Great to learn of my shared interest in phytonutrients in wild plants. My work for the last 40 years has been on the food resources of the World's longest living culture. My book, Wild Foods; Looking back 60,000 years for clues to our future survival, addresses the significance of the falling nutritional value of our food supply and the value of the wild foods as a panacea for our growing health problems. See https://wildfoodscience.com for an overview of the contents.

My website, https://cherikoff.net, covers more details on food:health relationships and specifically this index: https://cherikoff.net/category/wild-foods-and-nutrition/.

Another, https://wildfoodnutrition.life cover the range of phytonutrients and a product that was developed to boost the nutrition of our modern diet.

My collection of just 4 wild food enhanced products presented in https://aussiesuperfoods.com are aimed at the diseases of nutrition.

I have been extremely fortunate in being able to work with Indigenous Australians across the continent and explore the foods, their range and quality. One discovery from back in 1983 was the World's highest fruit source of vitamin C (the Kakadu plum) which is still the record-holder some 40 years later at 50 times the ascorbic acid content than oranges.

In Australia, we are dealing with:

* unrelenting cultural disruption and loss of traditional knowledge and languages

* a lack of ecosystem management policies

* the Climate Crisis/Catastrophe

* over-development and loss of biodiversity

* mining and ‘renewable’ energy production

* conventional farming and water ‘management’

* land clearing, weed infestation and feral animals all out of control

* the growing over-population which is far and above the country’s carrying capacity

* useless career politicians and a vacuum of political leadership

* a 'green' party more focused on gender and social issues than the environment

Read More: https://cherikoff.net/health-talk-16-look-what-theyve-done-to-my-brain-ma/

and discover the functional (nutritional, antimicrobial, culinary or cosmetic) uses of the wild resources of the world's longest living culture.

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Thanks so much for sharing these links and the background on your work! I look forward to checking these out!

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