I really appreciate all the extremely important and helpful ways we can help "go wild."

As a city dweller, I can only plant so much. I have been know to do some urban guerrilla gardening with planting trees in open sidewalk pits, scattering seeds, etc. I want to learn more about mosquito control, as the city was pretty terrible the last couple summers. Philly was the historical ground zero of a really bad yellow fever outbreak in the 1700's, so I know that is coming back someday soon. Will try to do a post on this, and I'll start be learning more about this:

Pyrethrins, derived from chrysanthemums, are natural but can kill many insects. Mosquito fogging adversely affects insect diversity and is ineffective against adult mosquitoes. A more effective approach is:

Targeting mosquitoes in the larval stage.

Placing a bucket of water with straw in sunlight to attract egg-laying mosquitoes.

Using mosquito dunks in the bucket to kill larvae, which is targeted and cost-effective.

Please let me know if there are any other links about this sometime!

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Excellent! I'd love to learn more about the health effects of pyrethrins both on humans and the environment. Looking forward to your post.

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