Dr Quave,

Congratulations and thanks for your inspiring comments especially those that support women in STEM. Your leadership is deeply appreciated.

In my personal journey as a STEM professional, I was fortunate to have an amazing group of mentors. There have been a few women who provided meaningful professional support (and still do), but most of my trusted mentors have been men. They earned this acknowledgment.

I still find it strange that the greatest obstacles to my own professional growth and achievements have come from other women. Often the attacks were unexpected, mean spirited and difficult. Several were clearly aimed at undercutting me professionally.

Women in STEM can flourish by cultivating mindful attention to the professional and emotional needs of our students and indeed, our colleagues. Take the time to offer words of encouragement. STEM careers can be tough. A little kindness can go a long way to making it easier. In the end, we all win.

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I totally agree! So important to support each other and the next generation as well!

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