Probiotic Vs. Prebiotic: What's the difference?
When it comes to gut health, a diverse microbiome is key. What are prebiotics and probiotics and how do they support gut health?
Did you know that for all of the cells that make up the human body, we are colonized by roughly an equal number of bacterial cells? In recent years, scientists and physicians have come to recognize the critical importance of these microbes—collectively known as our microbiome—to the health and function of our bodies. The health food industry has also taken note, and there are now many products available to consumers marketed for ‘supporting gut health.’ But, the marketing language, ingredients, and claims can also be confusing, even to the most discerning consumers. So, let’s break things down. What is the difference between a probiotic and a prebiotic?
Probiotics are live microbes found in foods and supplements. These are considered to be “good” bacteria and they can support gut health through competing with “bad” bacteria in the gut for space and resources, sometimes displacing them, and adding diversity to the overall composition of microbes in the gut. Probiotics can be used to help restore the gut microbiome after a round of antibiotics or case of gastroenteritis.
Probiotic organisms have been an important part of the human diet for millennia! While today we might consume these organisms in a convenient capsule with a defined ratio and mixture of specific microbes, humans have also consumed microbes in various fermented foods. Take, for example, lactic-acid fermented brine pickled vegetables—kimchi, sauerkraut, hot sauce, pickles, and more. Or, how about our fermented dairy products—yogurt and rind cheeses—or fermented grains and porridges. You can boost the diversity of your gut microbiome just by including some of these delicious ferments in your diet.
Pro-tip: It is SUPER simple and inexpensive to make your own lactic-acid fermented, probiotic-rich, foods at home, whether it be pickled veggies or yogurt. Here are some of my favorite Foodie Pharmacology podcast episodes on fermentation with guest experts who break the process down into easy-to-follow steps:
Unlike probiotics, which are living organisms, prebiotics are not alive. Instead, think of prebiotics as food for those “good” bacteria. They are nondigestible (by humans) food ingredients like plant sugars and fibers that promote the growth of beneficial microbes in the body. Fructo-oligosaccharides and galacto-oligosaccharides are the two important groups of prebiotics with health benefits. When microbes eat and break down these prebiotic ingredients in the gut, they release health-benefiting short-chain fatty acids that then travel through the bloodstream to other organs in the body.
Short chain fatty acids promote health through regulating energy metabolism, promoting gut health through protection of the gut barrier, and acting as anti-inflammatory agents. These also play a role in communication along the gut-brain axis.
The good news? You don’t need to purchase an expensive or fancy product to integrate prebiotics in your diet! Simply diversify your plate to include fruits, vegetables, and nuts. If you are getting ample fiber in your diet, you’re also getting ample prebiotics. The SAD (standard American diet), which is heavy on ultra-processed foods and includes little fiber, does NOT meet our health needs for adequate prebiotics in the diet.
Pro-tip: Be cautious of fermented products packed with sweeteners and artificial flavors such as sweet, flavored yogurts. Those are ultra-processed too! Instead, opt for plain yogurt and top it with fresh fruit and nuts. This is just one example of a simple, delicious, and an economical way to support your gut health for the long term.
Demystifying Food and Health Products
According to a recent market share report, the global market for probiotics was valued at 61.5 Billion USD in 2021! This includes yeast and bacteria found in dietary supplements, functional food and beverage products, and even animal feed.
Friends, we are spending A LOT of money on products that can simply be replaced by a well-balanced diet rich in plant fibers and featuring fermented vegetables and/or dairy.
My advice? Let your food be your medicine. Reduce your intake of ultra-processed foods and support your gut health by eating fruits, vegetables, and nuts (whether fresh or frozen). Balance this fiber-forward diet with simple fermented foods that give you a boost of probiotic organisms.
Yours in health, Dr. Quave
Cassandra L. Quave, Ph.D. is a Guggenheim Fellow, CNN Champion for Change, Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, recipient of The National Academies Award for Excellence in Science Communication, and award-winning author of The Plant Hunter. Her day job is as professor and herbarium curator at Emory University School of Medicine, where she leads a group of research scientists studying medicinal plants to find new life-saving drugs from nature. She hosts the Foodie Pharmacology podcast and writes the Nature’s Pharmacy newsletter to share the science behind natural medicines. To support her effort, consider a paid or founding subscription to Nature’s Pharmacy or donation to her lab research.
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