Welcome to the Nature’s Pharmacy newsletter!
Who am I?
My name is Dr. Cassandra Quave. I have a PhD in Biology and am the Thomas J. Lawley, MD Professor of Dermatology and Associate Professor Human Health at Emory University School of Medicine. I am a scientist, author, speaker, podcast host, professor, mother, explorer, and ethnobotanist. I’ve written about my life in science in the award-winning book, The Plant Hunter: A Scientist’s Quest for Nature’s Next Medicines. I was recently honored as a Guggenheim Fellow, a CNN Champion for Change, Honorary Member of the Garden Club of America, and elected member of the National Academy of Inventors.
During the day, I teach college courses and lead a group of talented research scientists studying medicinal plants in the search for new life-saving drugs from nature. In my spare time I host the Foodie Pharmacology podcast and write this newsletter. Through these platforms, I aim to share the incredible science behind the medicines found in nature.
What is this?
My goal here is to build community around a common interest in the healing power of nature. My hope is that this will be a trusted place that scientists, physicians, pharmacists, herbalists, and basically anyone interested in natural remedies can turn to and find the latest science-based information on botanicals and traditional systems of healing. All are welcome!
I commit to posting at least twice weekly. With more than 34,000 species of medicinal plants on Earth, we have a lot of ground to cover!
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Stay updated on the latest breakthroughs in the field with concise, easy-to-understand summaries of research from top scientists, including my own lab.
Get answers to common questions and separate truth from fiction on current, buzz-worthy topics in the world of medicinal plants.
Join me on thrilling expeditions to remote corners of the world and expand your knowledge on uncharted healing practices. Discover the unknown with me.
The payment model
I’m committed to bringing this content to as many people as possible! Thus, all subscribers (free, paid, and founding) will be able to access each newsletter issue without any paywalls to hide content. Paid and founding members will be able to join the conversation in the comment and chat features of the platform. If you enjoy this content and find it valuable, my hope is that you’ll offer your support to keep the newsletter alive 💚
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Thank you for supporting the dissemination of evidence-based information about nature's medicines! In today's world where misinformation abounds, this resource provides a trustworthy source for accurate, thoroughly verified information on the science behind traditional medicine, presented in a way that is accessible to everyone.
Yours in health, Dr. Quave