Very interesting, thank you. I recall seeing kunyit hitam in the markets in Malaysia, but never tried it. I learned a new word today, rubefacient. I’ll have to use it in a sentence in my writers group tomorrow.

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Rubifacient: It does roll nicely off the tongue! Happy writing!

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Is it possible to find some to grow in a pot or garden? I guess most importantly what are your thoughts on growing plants where they are not native?

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Yes! I think it should be possible to grow in a pot or garden. I'm awaiting a sample of the rhizomes to try to start myself and will report back. Anyone else have feedback here on growth conditions? I'm leaning towards a pot I can bring inside during the winter.

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Cool. I know that Wade grows it I will reach out to him.

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Thank you for your Black Turmuric post! Enjoyed reading it and I look forward reading more of your stories. Claude

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Thanks so much for the inspiration on this one! Loved investigating it!

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